Glance skeptically at the TV coverage of the invasion, and try to remember what peace there might have been with diplomacy.
As far as possible, do not surrender, and be on good terms with all ally nations.
Post your truths on web sites and e-mail, and listen to veterans, even the active duty soldiers; they too have their war stories.
Avoid loud and aggressive leaders; they are a nuisance to world peace.
If you compare your military with others, you may become proud or fearful, for always there will be greater and lesser armies than yours.
Enjoy your victories as well as your exit strategies.
Keep your attention on your own weapons of mass destruction, however apocalyptic; they are the real threat in the long run.
Exercise caution in your military affairs, for Iraq is full of enemies.
But let not this deceive you to what insurgency there is; many Iraqis detest our high ideals, and everywhere fear creates more terrorism.
Be true to yourself.
Especially, do not exaggerate the threat posed by Iraq.
Neither be pessimistic about fallen soldiers; for in the face of all horrors and mirages, they are as unavoidable as death and taxes.
Study carefully the history of the ages, gracefully ignoring the propaganda on TV.
Create a strong knowledge base to prevent you from believing misinformation.
But do not invade Iraq based on dark fears.
Many wars are born of ignorance and deceptions.
Above common sense, be tolerant of your neighbors.
You are a citizen of the world, no less than the prophets and the saints; you have a right and a duty to protest against the war.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the invasion of Iraq is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with Iraq, whatever you believe to be the reasons for the attack.
And whatever your beliefs and objectives in the noisy confusion of the occupation, make peace with your enemies.
With all its oil, insurgency, and broken promises; it is still a beautiful Iraq.
Be peaceful.
Strive to be nonviolent.
Posted April 19, 2004
Copyright By Don Hodges 2004
This is a parody of the work called "Desiderata" by Max Ehrmann, 1927.
This Page Last Updated
Monday, April 19, 2004
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