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10/30/2003 12:48 AM 201 dir.txt
11/28/2006 1:09 AM 210 George W. Bush - A trick question 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - Are the US military actions supported by Iraqi people 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Enforcing UN resolutions 10-28-2003.mp3
10/30/2003 12:27 AM 203 George W. Bush - Has the US been able to ID the terrorists 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - How do the Iraqi people feel about the occupation 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - How will you describe your foreign policy 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Is the invasion of Iraq justified by UN resolutions 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Is the US eager or reluctant to use military force 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Is the world safer today and why 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Tell us about Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Tell us about Iraq, part 2 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - The lessons of September 11, the war on terror and Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Was Saddam a threat 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What are terrorists trying to do in Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - What do Americans think terrorists are 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What do terrorists do 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - What do terrorists fear the most 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What does politics create 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - What is best way to deal with terrorists in Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - What is Iraq now 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What is the mentality of terrorists in Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What is the strategy for dealing with terrorists 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What is the strategy in Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 211 George W. Bush - What is the strategy of the terrorists in Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - When is military action taken 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Why do Iraqis blow themselves up 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Why is Iraq dangerous and what is the exit strategy 10-28-2003.mp3
11/28/2006 1:10 AM 210 George W. Bush - Why is it dangerous in Iraq 10-28-2003.mp3