- /mp3/gwb2004-12/

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5/14/2013 12:31 AM <dir> _vti_cnf
12/29/2004 3:00 PM 62607 George W. Bush - A point about the January elections 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:59 PM 170646 George W. Bush - Gratitude for the troops 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:59 PM 95210 George W. Bush - How does Rumsfeld feel about the dangers in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:58 PM 583385 George W. Bush - How long will US forces stay in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:57 PM 112547 George W. Bush - Tell us about Rumsfeld 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:57 PM 156222 George W. Bush - Tell us some lies about what free societies do 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:56 PM 181513 George W. Bush - The complexity of the secretary of defense 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:55 PM 46723 George W. Bush - The reasons for the increase in troop strength 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:55 PM 87470 George W. Bush - Watching TV and achieving the objective 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:54 PM 98756 George W. Bush - We will succeed in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:54 PM 433548 George W. Bush - What about Syria 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:53 PM 181520 George W. Bush - What are terrorists trying to do in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:53 PM 193219 George W. Bush - What effect are suicide bombers having in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:52 PM 207424 George W. Bush - What is at stake in the Iraqi election - What will the terrorists try to do 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:51 PM 276802 George W. Bush - What is the ultimate success strategy in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:51 PM 107113 George W. Bush - What the objective in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:50 PM 95621 George W. Bush - What will US forces be doing in Iraq 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:49 PM 120078 George W. Bush - What's going on in Iraq that people dont see on TV 12-20-2004.mp3
12/29/2004 2:48 PM 91654 George W. Bush - Will the terrorists succeed or fail and will Iraq become a Democracy 12-20-2004.mp3