- /mp3/gwb2005-sotu/
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5/14/2013 12:31 AM <dir> _vti_cnf
2/5/2005 10:19 PM 1641 dir.txt
2/5/2005 10:11 PM 40667 George W. Bush - A new phase of work in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:03 PM 88315 George W. Bush - Are we out of danger yet 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:05 PM 64698 George W. Bush - Can we promote peace by threatening war 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:00 PM 161459 George W. Bush - Do wars of liberation lead to peace 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:05 PM 63644 George W. Bush - Endgame in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:02 PM 96879 George W. Bush - Have Iraqis earned our respect 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 9:57 PM 264693 George W. Bush - Is Iran seeking WMDs 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:06 PM 60303 George W. Bush - Making america safer 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:03 PM 88309 George W. Bush - The war dead who died for our freedom 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 9:58 PM 175668 George W. Bush - Threats to Syria 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:07 PM 58430 George W. Bush - We aren't imposing our form of government on anyone 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:04 PM 71801 George W. Bush - What about the wounded veterans 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:09 PM 52989 George W. Bush - What are terrorists opposed to 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:07 PM 56752 George W. Bush - What does the whole world know now 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 9:59 PM 167302 George W. Bush - What is the latest exit strategy in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 9:57 PM 266565 George W. Bush - What is the long term strategy 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 9:58 PM 176710 George W. Bush - What is the new focus in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:02 PM 94791 George W. Bush - What is your intention and ultimate goal 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:00 PM 138254 George W. Bush - What will victory in Iraq bring 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:01 PM 123207 George W. Bush - Whom are the terrorists fighting in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:11 PM 48814 George W. Bush - Why are we fighting in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:08 PM 54037 George W. Bush - Why do terrorists fight in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
2/5/2005 10:04 PM 65532 George W. Bush - Why don't you set a date for withdrawl from Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
7/11/2006 12:19 AM 65238 George W. Bush - Why will we succeed in Iraq (part 2) 2-2-2005.mp3
7/11/2006 12:19 AM 65234 George W. Bush - Why will we succeed in Iraq 2-2-2005.mp3
7/11/2006 12:19 AM 60646 George W. Bush - WMD concerns 2-2-2005.mp3