- /mp3/gwb72003/
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7/31/2003 10:21 PM 1110 dir.txt
7/31/2003 10:11 PM 124709 George W. Bush - Are you a sinner 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:10 PM 110875 George W. Bush - How close are we to getting Saddam 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:09 PM 58007 George W. Bush - How long does democracy take and do you expect Thomas Jefferson to emerge in Iraq 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:13 PM 221008 George W. Bush - Iraq is growing more peaceful, but 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:07 PM 510866 George W. Bush - Is a Weapons program a threat to U.S. 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:06 PM 114015 George W. Bush - Is it important that we killed Saddam's sons 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:06 PM 162498 George W. Bush - Saddam had WMDs 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:05 PM 76446 George W. Bush - Saddam was a threat 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:05 PM 168595 George W. Bush - The drumbeat to war and the economy 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:04 PM 42370 George W. Bush - We will wage a war on terror against every enemy 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:03 PM 126389 George W. Bush - We're on the hunt 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:03 PM 200366 George W. Bush - What does 911 mean 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:02 PM 91491 George W. Bush - What happens when freedom spreads 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:01 PM 119498 George W. Bush - What is the threat of Saddam's Son's ghosts 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:01 PM 36736 George W. Bush - What will a free Iraq show the world 7-30-2003.mp3
7/31/2003 10:00 PM 209765 George W. Bush - Where are we taking the fight and what happend to Saddam's Sons 7-30-2003.mp3
12/3/2005 2:04 AM 794034 George_W._Bush_-_Iraq_-_Does_it_matter_whether_you_find_WMD_7-17-2003.mp3