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9/5/2004 6:46 PM 201 dir.txt
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Do you have any flaws and when did you notice them.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - How do wars of 'liberation' create peace and will it work.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - How do wars of 'liberation' create safety.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - How do wars of 'liberation' create security and peace.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - How do wars of 'liberation' help us keep the peace.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Is the United Sates being threatened by Iraqi terrorists.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Is the world safer now.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Is the world safer today.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Tell our armed forces how war creates justice and peace.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Tell our Armed forces what they are doing and is America safer.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Tell our armed forces what they did for Iraqis.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Tell us about Iraq and the puppet government that has been set up there.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - The US Constiution is clear that only congress has the power to declare war. Did you violate your oath by making this decision yourself.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What are Iraq and al-Qaida up to today.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What did you see in Saddam.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What do terrorists know.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What does Sept. 11 require and are we in any danger.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What have you learned about violating the US Constitution which clearly states that only congress has the power to declare war.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What is the plan for Iraq and what is the exit strategy.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What is the wisest use of American strength.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What were 2 choices you considered when it came to the decision to illegally invade Iraq.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What were Iraq and al-Qaida up to when you took office.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - What will this election determine, and is America safer.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Why do people use terrorism and why should they be afraid.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Why do we fight terrorism and are American citizens in danger.mp3
8/16/2005 8:42 PM 142 George W. Bush - Why do we invade foreign countries and what would happen if you didn't.mp3