- /mp3/iraq/

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5/14/2013 12:31 AM <dir> _vti_cnf
7/27/2003 12:01 AM 98126 Ari Fleischer - Fears of the President 3-21-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:02 AM 1950737 Ari Fleischer - Questions about WMD 4-10-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:02 AM 461753 Ari Fleischer - We know he has WMD 3-21-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:02 AM 114228 Dick Cheney - A prediction of liberated Iraq 8-26-2002.mp3
7/27/2003 12:02 AM 67624 Dick Cheney - Iraq will be disarmed of its WMD 4-9-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:03 AM 240453 Dick Cheney - There is no doubt Saddam has WMD 8-26-2002.mp3
7/26/2003 11:51 PM 572514 George W. Bush - Iraq - Bring Them On (full) 7-2-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:50 PM 99173 George W. Bush - Iraq - Bring Them On 7-2-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:51 PM 78904 George W. Bush - Iraq - How many days does it take to find WMD 7-2-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:52 PM 95611 George W. Bush - Iraq - Saddam had WMD 7-17-2003.mp3
7/30/2003 10:25 PM 440913 George W. Bush - Mushroom Cloud (10-7-2002).mp3
7/26/2003 11:52 PM 75982 George W. Bush - Was Saddam a threat and did Clinton use the same intelligence that you use 7-2-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:18 PM 3806349 Robert Fisk - Democracy Now Interview 7-25-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 1069889 Rumsfeld - closing comments 4-9-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 208686 Rumsfeld - Do Iraqis have respect for the bombing of their own country 4-9-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 109835 Rumsfeld - Do you know anyone who has admiration for Saddam and is the Iraqi Regime engaging in the development of WMD 2-12-2002.mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 114647 Rumsfeld - Do you need to kill 1000's of Iraqis to remove Saddam from power 3-28-2003.mp3
7/30/2003 10:15 PM 328064 Rumsfeld - Does Iraq Have Nuclear WMDS - Fact Number 1 (6- 24-2003).mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 257356 Rumsfeld - Does Iraq pose a WMD threat, is it an act of Self-Defense, and what is Saddam's regime responsible and is it pursuing more WMD 3-25-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 120917 Rumsfeld - Does the U.S. value human life 3-28-2003.mp3
7/27/2003 12:00 AM 317767 Rumsfeld - How does the looting in Iraq compare to riots that have taken place in America, does the U.S. military know what it is doing, and is freedom untidy 4-11-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 146404 Rumsfeld - How will Iraqis react to US presence and is the U.S. there to occupy Iraq 3-28-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 72638 Rumsfeld - How will the Iraqis see the use of force and will the U.S. occupy Iraq 3-28-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 314215 Rumsfeld - Is it important to find the WMD 4-9-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 148288 Rumsfeld - Is the U.S. going to occupy Iraq and does the U.S. seek out other countries' wealth 4-9-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:31 PM 186311 Rumsfeld - Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns 2-12-2002.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 264054 Rumsfeld - Slices of War 3-21-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 936978 Rumsfeld - Speaking of WMD, How Important is it to find them (full) 4-9-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 492053 Rumsfeld - The Transition to Democracy 6-30-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:59 PM 259461 Rumsfeld - What is the task before us, does it involve finding the WMD and what will it look like when its all over 3-20-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:58 PM 89559 Rumsfeld - What was the cause of the humanitarian disaster in Iraq 3-25-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:58 PM 357059 Rumsfeld - Who chose this war and what are its objectives and who owns Iraq 3-21-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:58 PM 189866 Rumsfeld - Who does Iraq belong to and how long will troops stay there 3-20-2003.mp3
7/26/2003 11:58 PM 100638 Rumsfeld - Why did the U.S. invade Iraq 3-25-2003.mp3