dir.txt Rumsfeld - How does one think of the war on terror and why did we invade Iraq 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - How long is 4.5 months and where is beauty found 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Is it natural to have US forces in Iraq 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Is it the job of the US to rebuild Iraq 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Saddam and September 11 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - What 3 things will it take to get the job done in Iraq and will there be setbacks 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - What are coaltition forces doing in Iraq these days 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - What is the end goal in Iraq and who does Iraq belong to 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - What is the task in Iraq and who is making trouble 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - What path are the Iraqi people on and tell us about the puppet government which has been set up 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - What was the cost of 9-11 and how does that justify invading Iraq 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Where do you fight terrorism these days 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Where is the best place to deal with terrorists 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Who are you fighting in Iraq and where do they come from 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Why don't you bring the troops home and what is your greatest fear 9-16-2003.mp3 Rumsfeld - Why is the US in Iraq 9-16-2003.mp3