Supernova SN 2024ggi and its
progenitor in
NGC 3621
This was the brightest
supernova of 2024.
The supernova was discovered by
ATLAS on 11 April 2024.
More information and images
All supernovae updates here:
TNS [Transient Name Server]
entry for 2024ggi :
Wikipedia page for host galaxy NGC 3621:
candidate progenitor of SN 2024ggi can be
found in the
Hubble Picture of the week
posted on 14 October 2013 .
Note: In this image, north
is 69.0° right of vertical.
The red star in the center [the
candidate progenitor] has
previously been cataloged by the
VISTA Hemisphere Survey as
VHS J111822.09-325015.2
It was also cataloged in the
Hubble Source Catalog for
NGC 3621 as MatchID 140066549
with coordinates RA
169.59202035259474 , DEC
Compare with the published
coordinates of SN 2024ggi :
RA 169.592030529 , DEC -32.8375756395
The difference is RA
0.00001017640526 , DEC
0.00000281184241 , which is
about .038 seconds of arc.
Another view of the candidate
progenitor dated 2003-02-03.
Note, in this view, North is up.
This screenshot comes from the
Hubble Legacy Archive from
this URL .
Another view of the candidate
progenitor dated 1994-12-27.
Note: In this screenshot, North is up.
This screenshot comes from the
Hubble Legacy Archive from
this URL . Note:
In the archive image, South is
More discussion of the
progenitor of SN 2024ggi at the
following 3 links:
Further reading:
SN 2024ggi: another year, another striking Type II supernova by K. Ertini et al, 4 March 2025.
Early-time millimeter
observations of the nearby Type
II SN 2024ggi by Maokai Hu
et al, 16 December 2024.
Constraining the progenitor of
the nearby Type II-P SN 2024ggi
with environmental analysis
by Xinyi Hong et al., 3 December
The compact circumstellar
material of SN 2024ggi: Another
supernova with a pre-explosion
effervescent zone and jet-driven
explosion by Noam Soker, 25
June 2024.
Discovery and Extensive
Follow-Up of SN 2024ggi, a
nearby type IIP supernova in NGC
3621 by Ting-Wan Chen et
al., 13 June 2024.
Probing the Shock Breakout
Signal of SN 2024ggi from the
Transformation of Early Flash
Spectroscopy by Jujia Zhang
et al., 12 June 2024.
Extended Shock Breakout and
Early Circumstellar Interaction
in SN 2024ggi by Manisha
Shrestha et al., 28 May 2024.
The Red Supergiant Progenitor of
Type II Supernova 2024ggi by
Danfeng Xiang et al., 14 May
Early phase simultaneous
multi-band observations of Type
II supernova SN 2024ggi with
Mephisto by Xinlei Chena et
al., 13 May 2024
Early flash-ionization lines in
SN 2024ggi revealed by
high-resolution spectroscopy
by Thallis Pessi et al., 3 May
SN 2024ggi in NGC 3621: Rising
Ionization in a Nearby,
CSM-Interacting Type II
Supernova by Wynn
Jacobson-Galan et al., 29 April
The direct identification of
core-collapse supernova
progenitors by Schuyler D.
Van Dyk , 18 September 2017.